Serving the community since 1968

The ABSWGLA is a local component of the state and national organization that provides a structure and forum through which Black Social Workers and those in related fields can exchange ideas, offer services, and develop programs interest of the black community. It is a non-profit professional membership organization, consisting of professionals and community workers who make their skills available to individuals, groups, and agencies for the alleviation numerous problems confronting the black community. ABSWGLA was formed in May 1968. Once a year, the National Association Conference convenes to coordinate community activities and address issues that beset black Americans everywhere. 

Who We Are

At ABSWGLA, we are a diverse group of dedicated professionals and community advocates committed to enhancing the well-being and addressing the needs of the Black community. Our members include social workers, counselors, educators, and other allied professionals who bring a wealth of expertise and passion to our mission.

We strive to create an inclusive and supportive environment where our members can collaborate, share knowledge, and develop innovative solutions to the social challenges we face. Our work is grounded in a deep commitment to social justice, equity, and the empowerment of our community. Together, we aim to make a meaningful and lasting impact on the lives of those we serve.

Apply for a scholarship

Are you looking for social work scholarship? Apply to the ABSW Foundation scholarship for the opportunity to be awarded an academic scholarship for the current school year.  


This 501(c)(3), is the non-profit arm of  the greater LA chapter. The foundation’s overall purpose is community outreach and to provide charitable educational activities that benefit the community.  Our scholarship program is specifically designed to promote, aid and support Black and African American students who aspire to become Social Work professionals. 

Support the Virtual Exhibit and Documentary

This virtual exhibit highlights significant events and accomplishments of the Association Of Black Social Workers – Greater Los Angeles through selected artifacts featuring our founder Dr. Shirley Better. The collection documents the 50-year journey of service, policy change, and advocacy uplifting Black people. Dr. Better was a Professor Emeritus of Cal State LA School of Social Work and remains one of the three living national founders of the NABSW and the local chapter

Your Impact

Every dollar you donate brings us closer to completing this vital documentary. Your support will help fund:

Production and editing costs

Archival research and acquisition

Distribution and promotion

Your generous donations will help us complete the documentary, preserving our rich history and continuing our mission to uplift and support the Black community.

Dr. Shirley Better | 2024